RSS2011 Journals

Volume 1.3   2011

Volume 1.3 2011

| November 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

Volume 1.3   2011 IJLLD 1.3 2011  {phocadownload view=file|id=19} Article 1   {phocadownload view=file|id=16} Article 2  {phocadownload view=file|id=17} Article 3  {phocadownload view=file|id=18}  Hard Cover available March 16

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Volume 1.2.2011 September 2011

| November 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

Volume 1.2.2011  September 2011 PDF. Issue 2 Full Version {phocadownload view=file|id=8} PDF. Article 1. Volume 2. Craig Hoffman.Using Discourse Analysis Methodology to Teach “Legal English”  {phocadownload view=file|id=9} PDF. Article 2. Volume 2. Maria Francisca Carneiro. Heterdox Logic and Law : Topics for a report on Philosophy and Hermeneutics   {phocadownload view=file|id=10} PDF. Article 3. Volume […]

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Volume 1 June 2011

| November 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

Volume 1 June 2011 {phocadownload view=file|id=7} Foreword. {phocadownload view=file|id=2} Article 1. Le Cheng & King Kui Sin. Courtroom Language and Discourse {phocadownload view=file|id=3} Article 2. Gary D. Prideaux. Linguistic Contributions to the Analysis of Hate Language {phocadownload view=file|id=4} Article 3. Jie Wang. Analysis and Attestation of Linguistic Evidence in Judicial Practices{phocadownload view=file|id=5} Article 4. Ling Wang […]

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