RSS2015 Journals

IJLLD Volume 5.2 2015

IJLLD Volume 5.2 2015

| July 4, 2015

IJLLD Volume 5.2 2015 Full Journal PDF Joseph-G. Turi. Language Law and Language Rights Jinbang Du. Application of Multimodal Information Corpus Techniques in Legal English Teaching Catherine Way. A Discourse Analysis Approach to Legal Translator Training: More than words Laura Ervo and Carlo Rasia. Legal Bilingualisation and Factual Multilingualisation: A comparative study of the protection of linguistic minorities in civil proceedings between Finland […]

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IJLLD Volume 5.1 2015

IJLLD Volume 5.1 2015

| July 1, 2015

Volume 5.1 2015 Full Journal PDF Michael S. Boyd and Isabel A. Walbaum Robinson. Text Commenting in Mediatised Legal Discourse: Evaluating Reader Understanding of (International) Criminal Law. Xin Guan. Potential Speaker-Discriminating Power of Speaking Style: Application of Discourse Information Analysis to Forensic Speaker Recognition Ahlam Alharbi and Mona Bahmani. Media Representation of the Islamic Law: A […]

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