International Law Conference 2016

| September 11, 2015

International Law Conference – presented by

International Journal Law, Language and Discourse
Date : July 15th 16th  2016
Location : Clark, Philippines


The International journal Law Language and Discourse presents the Inaugural IJLLD Law conference.

Key Note speakers

  1. Prof Le Cheng (Zhejiang University/China University of Political Science and Law, China)
  2. Prof Li Li (China University Political Science & Law)
  3. Phil Cameron JD
  4. Rob Dickey JD Korea


Call for papers:-

Lawyers, law students, academics are invited to submit a proposal (250-300 words) on one of the topics listed below.


Main themes:-

  1. Pre Conference Workshops

Submit your abstract for the sessions below 

  1. Substantial law
  2. Procedural law
  3. Courtroom interaction
  4. Legal English
  5. Industry law (Mining, Oil & Gas sector)
  6. Maritime & Aviation law
  7. Women in Law

Specific areas of law

Disputed island law

  1. Translators and the court
  2. Legal English
  3. Post Conference workshops

Sub Themes 

  • Communication and interaction in  trials
  • Communication and fairness in mediation – civil- and criminal matters
  • Children and the law
  • Vulnerable groups and communication in a fair legal setting
  • Gender and communication in the law
  • Your own research or presentation

Papers will be published in 2016-2017 in either The International Journal law Language and Discourse or  The International Journal of Legal English


Category: Conference