IJLLD Volume 4.2 2014

| July 22, 2014

IJLLD 4.1 2014

Volume 4.2 2014

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  1. Pi-chan Hu. A Study of the Frame of Legal Language
  2. Janet Cotterill. The Construction of Identities in the Criminal Courtroom: Criminals, Victims and Crimes as Construed in Scottish Judges’ Sentencing Statements
  3. Béatrice Cabau. Language Policy/Planning and Linguistic Rights in Sweden
  4. Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo. Achieving Credibility in Quasi-Judicial Discourse: A Genre Analysis Approach to the Report of the Commission of Enquiry into Post-election Violence in Kenya
  5. Emma Patrignani. Book Review: Heikki E.S. Mattila, Comparative Legal Linguistics – Language of Law, Latin and Modern Lingua Francas, 2nd edition, Ashgate, Farnham, 2013

Category: 2014 Journals