1.1 Wang

| September 3, 2020

Jie Wang. (2011). Analysis and Attestation of Linguistic Evidence in Judicial Practices. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 1(1), 54-66.

Abstract: On the basis of analysis of the mobile messages between the plaintiff and the defendant in the defamation case of Yang v Hu in which the authors testified as expert witness, this study shows that analyzing and attesting controversial linguistic evidence is indispensable in judicial proceedings. The expert opinion related to such kinds of linguistic evidence can help judges in maintaining the strength to the proof of the linguistic evidence. The main themes approached in this study are: the absence of the analysis and attestation of the key linguistic evidence in the court judgment, analysis of the linguistic evidence in the mobile messages as the linguistic evidence of the case, and status quo of legislation on expert witness of linguistic evidence in China.

Keywords: linguistic evidence, analysis and attestation, sexual hint


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Category: Volume 1