Tag: 1-3



| September 3, 2020

IJLLD Volume 1.3 (2011) (Frontsmatter) Maud Verdier and Christian Licoppe. Videoconference in French Courtrooms: Its consequences on judicial settings … 8 Eva Ng. A Survey of Court Interpreters’ Use of Direct versus Reported Speech in the Hong Kong Courts … 36 Niklas Torstensson and Kirk P. H. Sullivan. The Court Interpreter: Creating an interpretation of […]

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1.3 Torstensson & Sullivan

| September 3, 2020

Niklas Torstensson and Kirk P. H. Sullivan. (2011). The Court Interpreter: Creating an interpretation of the facts. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 1(3), 64-86. Abstract: A fair trail is impossible without an interpreter when anyone taking part in the court proceedings does not know the national language, yet the use of an interpreter […]

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1.3 Ng

| September 3, 2020

Eva Ng. (2011). A Survey of Court Interpreters’ Use of Direct versus Reported Speech in the Hong Kong Courts. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 1(3), 36-63. Abstract: The findings of my ongoing data-based study of courtroom interpreting in the Hong Kong courts reveal a deviation from the generally held principle which requires professional […]

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1.3 Verdier & Licoppe

| September 3, 2020

Maud Verdier and Christian Licoppe. (2011). Videoconference in French Courtrooms: Its consequences on judicial settings. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 1(3), 8-35. Abstract: The use of videoconference has increased considerably in French courtrooms in order to minimize the costs of extracting defendants from prisons to attend various types of judicial hearings. It is […]

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