Tag: 2-3



| August 11, 2020

IJLLD Volume 2.3 (2012) (Frontsmatter) Terry Royce. The Analysis of Police Crisis Negotiations: Important Interactional Features … 1-24 Vadim Verenich. The Semiotic Model of Legal Reasoning … 25-58 Fabrizio Macagno and Douglas Walton. Character Attacks as Complex Strategies of Legal Argumentation … 59-117 Tammy Gales. Review — Patterns of Linguistic Variation in American Legal English: […]

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2.3 Gales

| August 11, 2020

Tammy Gales. (2012). Review — Patterns of Linguistic Variation in American Legal English: A corpus-based study. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 2(3), 118-128. Abstract: Stanislaw Goźdź-Roszkowski’s Patterns of Linguistic Variation in American Legal English: A Corpus-based Study is one of the newest volumes (22) in the Łódź Studies in Language series, edited by […]

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2.3 Macagno & Walton

| August 11, 2020

Fabrizio Macagno and Douglas Walton. (2012). Character Attacks as Complex Strategies of Legal Argumentation. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 2(3), 59-117. Abstract: In this paper we analyze leading criminal cases taken from the Supreme Court of the United States, in which ad hominem arguments played a crucial role. We show that although such […]

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2.3 Verenich

| August 11, 2020

Vadim Verenich. (2012). The Semiotic Model of Legal Reasoning. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 2(3), 25-58. Abstract: The scope of this paper is the analysis of semiotic models of legal argumentation and legal discourse. The paper explores how different semiotic models of legal reasoning underscore our appreciation for legal reasoning. The analysis of […]

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2.3 Royce

| August 11, 2020

Terry Royce. (2012). The Analysis of Police Crisis Negotiations: Important Interactional Features. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 2(3), 1-24. Abstract: In recent years understandings of the interactional features of police crisis negotiations have developed through approaches which have built on and developed the precursor bargaining and expressive models of crisis negotiations. This paper […]

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