Tag: 4-1



| August 10, 2020

IJLLD Volume 4.1 (2014) (Frontsmatter) Guang Shi. Face-threatening Acts in Chinese Courtroom Discourse … 1-25 Torun Elsrud. Othering the “other” in court: Threats to self-presentation during interpreter assisted hearings … 26-67 Chi Seng Lu. Balanced Approach Developed in Macao for Legal Translation and Principle of Respect Adopted in Construction of Social Harmony … 68-94 Full […]

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4.1 Lu

| August 10, 2020

Chi Seng Lu. (2014). Balanced Approach Developed in Macao for Legal Translation and Principle of Respect Adopted in Construction of Social Harmony. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 4(1), 68-94. Abstract: To achieve equivalence in legal translation, Sarcevic (2000) proposes the equal treatment in effect, intent and meaning. In the case of Macao, the […]

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4.1 Elsrud

| August 10, 2020

Torun Elsrud. (2014). Othering the “other” in court: Threats to self-presentation during interpreter assisted hearings. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 4(1), 26-67. Abstract: This paper is based on an ethnographic research project studying interaction processes and rituals; the interplay between speech and social interaction during interpreted hearings in Swedish District Court cases on […]

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4.1 Shi

| August 10, 2020

Guang Shi. (2014). Face-threatening Acts in Chinese Courtroom Discourse. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 4(1), 1-25. Abstract: The courtroom is a site of power struggle. In order to realize their goals and show their power or authority, courtroom subjects use various language resources and strategies, among them face-threatening acts figure prominently. Employing Brown […]

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