Tag: 5-2



| August 4, 2020

IJLLD Volume 5.2 (2015) (Frontsmatter) Joseph-G. Turi. Language Law and Language Rights. … 1-18 Jinbang Du. Application of Multimodal Information Corpus Techniques in Legal English Teaching … 19-38 Catherine Way. A Discourse Analysis Approach to Legal Translator Training: More than words … 39-61 Laura Ervo and Carlo Rasia. Legal Bilingualisation and Factual Multilingualisation: A comparative […]

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5.2 Ervo & Rasia

| August 4, 2020

Laura Ervo and Carlo Rasia. (2015). Legal Bilingualisation and Factual Multilingualisation: A comparative study of the protection of linguistic minorities in civil proceedings between Finland and Italy. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 5(2), 62-98. Abstract: The post-modern court culture in civil litigation is based on communication and interaction between the parties and the […]

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5.2 Way

| August 4, 2020

Catherine Way. (2015). A Discourse Analysis Approach to Legal Translator Training: More than words. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 5(2), 39-61. Abstract: Legal translation trainees are frequently not experts in the field of Law. This poses considerable problems for legal translator trainers when attempting to introduce their trainees into the legal discourse community, […]

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5.2 Du

| August 4, 2020

Jinbang Du. (2015). Application of Multimodal Information Corpus Techniques in Legal English Teaching. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 5(2), 19-38. Abstract: Multimodal information has gradually become increasingly involved in legal English teaching in China, as different media are increasingly used in the classroom. Multimodal information is so complex that it cannot be fully […]

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5.2 Turi

| August 4, 2020

Joseph-G. Turi. (2015). Language Law and Language Rights. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse 5(2), 1-18. Abstract: There are, in many political contexts, contacts, conflicts and inequalities among languages used within the same territory. The political and legal intervention of modern States and public authorities (at all levels, national, regional, local and municipal) on […]

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